Hello, and welcome to my humble home! My name is Chris, and I am the artist behind Keaton Studios. Most people ask why the studio name, and to put it simply, it’s based off my middle name and is far more unique than anything using my first name.
I have been drawing as long as I can remember, and digitally drawing as soon as I could get a tablet so many years ago. I learned most of my art through self teaching through practice, online resources, and books, with an occasional college class thrown in. Mostly, I just love this stuff and spend most of my time learning new things.
I am an artist and illustrator. I knew I wanted to be an artist from a young age. However, I bought into the starving artist idea and pursued other careers for a short time. In college I realized how empty I was without art, and I changed my trajectory. I could go into more detail, but perhaps another time. For now, it is enough to say that I believe some people have a need, not just a want, to create. Art, for me, is such a need.
I have many interests for my art, whether it’s sci-fi/fantasy, animals, or people. But I hope that all my artwork can evoke an emotional response or tell an impactful story. I may not always succeed, but that’s the goal.
I paint custom pieces and sell prints and also take commissions on a limited basis. Feel free to contact me with any inquiries.